Monday, 28 February 2011

How Trophies unlock & My glitched Trophies

Many rumors have been going on about me hacking trophies and so on...
If you are actually a true trophy hunter then you would know how the trophy system works
If not then you shouldnt hunt trophies...

- Trophies unlock 1 sec after achieving whats needed (like most games)
- Trophies unlock 10~20 secs after achieving whats needed (like most games)
- Trophies unlock  after retrying it 2~5 times (like some games)
- Trophies unlock after completing the level.. even when you achieved the required goal (heavy rain etc...)
- Trophies unlock after quiting...(GT5)
-Trophies unlock at same time ( most games on easy medium hard..complete on hard you get medium and easy ass well)
-Trophies glitch and unlock later on or before...( sometimes its required to kill 100 enemies... but you get them at 99 or 101) ( win 100 races... you sometimes get at 90 or at 120...need for speed any1?)
-Trophies glitch and never unlock ( some trophies never unlock and require a patch..Ghostbusters..)
-Trophies glitch and require a special work around ( sonic racing online friend trophy... )
-Trophies glitch but unlock once you restart the game..(SBK for me)
-Trophies disappear and go back to 0%...( this is true.. if you have a power failure at home while playing or syncing then the trophies go back to 0% and you could get some end game trophies before the early ones...)
-Trophies glitch and then unlock at same time ( happend to me and happend to others... google it and you will see..)

And there are many more ways to unlock trophies..So as i mentioned trophies can unlock instantly or unlock at the end of the level or after quiting to the menu or glitch and never unlock....
Google: "Trophies not unlocking"  from google About 631,000 results

And as i mentioned earlier... IF YOU ARE a real trophy hunter !! and played over 100 games atleast then Iam sure you had some trophies glitch and some games even glitch entirely on you...not just the trophies...

OK... so let me show you some of my glitched trophies...
Many many haters and wanabes/jelous noobs made a big deal about a few trophies that glitched on me and made threads and videos and whatever about them... about 10 trophies in total.. if not less...out of 12k !!!
So Iam a hacker Iam a cheater or whatever you wana call it because of some mere easy trophies....How much IQ you got? 10?20? ;x

IF Sony ever releases an option to delete trophies of the game server I WILL DELETE all of those trophies and re get them...

And finally.. the trophy system isnt perfect.. get that in your head thanks !

Here you go

Dragon Age:
This game glitched on me from the start and i really had badluck with it
Time stamps where all over the place for this game...
Power shut down while playing/YLOD/Save corrupt etc etc...
Got some trophies.. didnt sync... then got the same trophies again and synced and got difrent time stamps game shut down ylod.. replayed game got the trophies again etc etc...
it was a BIG mess.. (pic is proof)

BEN 10 (not me)

but Iam using it as an example of 0% from 50% or 20% or whatever % due to power failure

Look at the time 500 unlocked before 200

and getting the end game trophies before the start....

Dead to Rights

I have Explained this many times...
Full discription

Please use the brains that god has given to you...
WHY would i ruin my acc for 2 collection trophies???!! lol
If i wanted to hack.. i would of atleast got socom and other games... ~_~
But if you are mentaly retarded and you are from the % which have 10IQ or less then  i feel sorry for you
Read my story please... and u will understand and IAM SURE MANY OF YOU have had some trophies glitch in the same way after not getting them and then getting them both at same time...


Again the exact same thing as dead to rights.. 25 and 50...
and this game has 0 online save hacks.. dont think there is.. i dont follow those noobish websites who spread them anyways

When i played this game there was an exploit online to unlock lvl 50 without getting to it..
I didnt know about this glitch until it was too late...
Anyways... the glitch is realy stupid... you can just enter an online lobby and quit it and then play and get to lvl 50... (if the lobby you quit had a lvl 50)
So this is realy not my fault and even if i intended to do this.... it wil come sooner or later... because you sometimes join a lobby by accident and then quit and join another 1...

Call of Duty classic

I didnt know about this until 1 of the haters brought it up...
I have unlocked 1 of the story trophies after completing the game...
after a little investigation this is what i found..

As you see my trophy hunter friends... some big lip hater is trying to make me look like a cheater but he fails everytime ;>


I had more games glitch on me but iam not sure if

o and i was 1 of the first guys to get this 10 or 15 maybe...and i dont think there was a hack back then

So i hope you all understand all of this and iam sure there are more glitched trophies which i dont know about..sooner or later haters will post about them and i will update this regarding it

Enjoy !


  1. this is a good thing that u did , now all Haters (Exmp. Dick 360) will STF UP

  2. for me it was Alone in the dark...this game realy suck...worst game ever

  3. I like trophies to unlock as soon as you've carried out the required task.

    The worst game in terms of making you wait (for me anyways) was Heavy Rain - jeez, did that game take the p***! Depends how it's coded I guess...

  4. very true nearly of all of GTAIV's trophies glitched on me and then there is other's with the platinum! but apart from that there about the only trophies that glitched and i have load's of game's the time-stamp can also be out of place by you changing the date and time on you're ps3 system but you know someone has definitely hacked if they have all the trophies but are unlocked at the same time

  5. we beleive you hakoom
    don't mind that jelous girl from kuwait
    you are the true trophy hunter

  6. thanks for clearing all these hacking stories up
    i beleive you now :)

  7. I always thought you hacked games, but thanks to all of this information i beleive you didnt.
    Keep up the good work buddy !

  8. i want to send you games hakooom !
    where can i pm you?

  9. only jelous people beleive you hacked
    as you mentiuoned big lips and his girlfriends :D

  10. its funny how some jelous people say you are a hacker haha
    they realy need to get a life

  11. i always knew that u didn't hack :) i had a few trophy glitches myself (example: Batman)
