Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Platinum #232

Pro evolution soccer 2011 is the second football game in the series with trophies which look exactly the same..

In this series they have changed the PES series allot.. they made it more realistic and added more moves and things.. wich made the game better overall
The trophies on the other hand are exactly the same..it requires less time though

MY RATING 8.5/10

Changing the entire game mechanics and adding more things to it made this part alot better than the previous part..If you are a PES fan then you should certainly get this...And trophy fans should get it too because the trophies are easy

- Published by: Konami

- Developed by: Winning Eleven Productions

- Genre: Sports

- Number of Players: 1~7

Trophy Breakdown:

Platinum (1)
Gold (5)
Silver (12)
Bronze: (10)
PSN Points: 1140

Trophy Overview:

Number of offline trophies = 27/28
Number of online trophies = 1/28
Platinum difficulty: 4/10
Time to platinum: 20~30 hours
Number of playthroughs needed: 4

Platinum Image:

Trophy Review:

This game consists of 28 trophies which are easy to get...
Just like PES2010..nothing has changed u start with cham league.. then pick the south american cup (new mode) finish that... then go to master league pick a strong team like Real or Barca and sim the entire season.. (make sure u dont lose) reload your save if u lost...after that just sim 10 years..you would need 15hours for that...
Jump to legend mode and before starting get the 600p pack (play with real player) pick messi sim for 4 years and just play the international cup for the trophy...would take u like 3~5 hours for this.. also make sure u join 10 clubs across 6 countries..
When all that is done just do the online i guess with a boosting partner.. you need 15wins and 5 loses for 75%.. or 20wins.. up to you

The hardest trophies would be:

Dead-ball Expert 
Awarded for 5 Direct Free-Kicks

This is a really frustrating trophy... not because its hard but because its hard to get fouled ;x
My tip...
Go to edit and pick a shitty team then edit the goalie and make his status crap and make him short.. then make every single player short..... Pick real madrid and play try to run around the field holding R2 (play on amatuer) when you get the foul just aim at the goal and hold [] (fill about 20~30%) dont hit anything else.. 
You should get this while going for all stadium trophy
Goodluck !

note: all difficulty and time figures are based on my skills and my opinion after playing the game 


  1. congratulation's but didn't you already have this platinum trophy? i remember you posting up on you're wall a while back that you got this platinum trophy

  2. nice review & congrats to ur 232. plat.

    keep it up :D

  3. Keep up the great work
    you are better than dick360

  4. Why can't I go to the LBP2 Platinum review?
