Marvel Super hero Squad is an action adventure game which can be played alone or in co-op..
You can play with various marvel characters through out the game.. but the game itself is realy poorly designed and filled with glitches and bugs...i simply do not recommend this game...
But for trophy hunters this should be an easy plat but very frustrating at the same time due to the game being bad...
MY RATING 2.5/10
This game is VERY VERY BAD... the graphics the gameplay the controls.. everything..
Its a shit game in other words that should of been placed on the PSN for 10$ only...
I simply do not understand how can those games be accepted on the ps3..
This shit should of stayed on the Wii... Just stay away from this game !
-Published by: THQ
-Developed by: Griptonite Games
-Genre: Action Action Adventure
-Number of Players: 1~4
Trophy Breakdown:
Platinum (1)
Gold (3)
Silver (4)
Bronze: (42)
PSN Points: 1200
Trophy Overview:
Number of online trophies = 0/50
Platinum difficulty: 5/10
Time to platinum: 20~30 hours
Number of playthroughs needed: 1+
Trophy Review
This game consists of 50 trophies which arent realy hard to get... most are easy and a few could be frustrating...
Start the game on Hard and finish it.. It isnt realy that hard.. If you are having trouble then play it with someone.. since you can play it in co-op..This game consists of 50 trophies which arent realy hard to get... most are easy and a few could be frustrating...
Once you are done... go back in to free play and do each characters feats and collections.. this will take some time ( use a guide of course)
Once you have done that jump in to the challenges and finish them.. only 2 challenges where actualy hard (race+hack)
Once you have done that jump in to the challenges and finish them.. only 2 challenges where actualy hard (race+hack)
You need to complete each challenge once... Some are easy and some are realy hard and frustrating specialy the hacking and racing 5 and 6...
For the hacking my tip is to memorize the sequence and for the race you just need alot of luck with the stupid moving box in the last race... just try not to crash in it and try to get 12~13 secs per lap...I know how frustrating it is but just keep retrying until u nail it !
note: all difficulty and time figures are based on my skills and my opinion after playing the game
Thanks ( name doesnt want to be shown ) for this shity game ;x
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