Friday, 29 April 2011

Platinum #244

Monster Jam: Path of Destruction is a racing game using monsters trucks as vehicles and doing various types of races and stunt shows.. It is just a simple racing game with monster trucks that gets boring realy soon..
The good news is the game is really easy to plat and can be done in 1 day !

Monster Jam isnt realy a good game.. The controls are broken and the graphics are normal.. 
There isnt anything special in this game.. just racing and doing stunts... + it gets boring after a while
Every trophy hunter should get this game though since its a 10h plat..

-Published by: Activision

-Developed by:  Virtuos

-Genre: Racing

-Number of Players: 1~2

Trophy Breakdown:

Platinum (1)
Gold (3)
Silver (11)
Bronze: (29)
PSN Points: 1215

Trophy Overview:

Number of offline trophies = 44/44
Number of online trophies = 0/44
Platinum difficulty: 4/10
Time to platinum: 10 hours +
Number of playthroughs needed:1+

Platinum Image:

Trophy Review

This game consists of 44 trophies which are easy to get..
Start Career mode and try to stick to the same vehicle for 20 races in a row on hard..+ dont forget to restart the race if u think u lost.. since you need 3 wins in a row.. After you got 20 races out of your way on hard just switch to easy... ( you dont need 20 hard races in a row just 20 races with same vehicle) 
Try to get gold in all events and simple you are done..
After finishing career just clean up whats left.. stunts and objectives etc...

The hardest trophies would be:

Performed 10 types of stunts in one event

This is by far the hardest trophy ingame... 
It took me about 5 tries to nail it... 
What you need to do is do 10 tricks in freestyle... So pick a freestyle map and try to land 10 different  stunts before time runs out..
Start with a wheelie then donut and cyclone and then run up a ramp and try to get backflip barrelrol and big save.. the rest i got randomly with luck... since i dont really know how the machanics work in this game... because the controls are so shit ~_~
But dont worry it isnt that hard..

note: all difficulty and time figures are based on my skills and my opinion after playing the game

Thanks to ..... for the game !

1 comment:

  1. congrats to this platinum trophy
    will you make another video when you received the 250th platinum?
