Monday, 2 May 2011

Platinum #246

I dont even want to write about this game sorry....

This game sux.. Stay away from it..
The game doesnt make sense.. and has no means whatsoever to gaming...
Next time dont port Nintendo garbage to the ps3... because it makes the ps3 look bad..
Garbage should stay on a garbage console.. thanks !

-Published by: Ubisoft

-Developed by:  Ubisoft

-Genre: Doesnt make sense genre

-Number of Players: 1~4

Trophy Breakdown:

Platinum (1)
Gold (8)
Silver (7)
Bronze: (7)
PSN Points: 1215

Trophy Overview:

Number of offline trophies = 23/23
Number of online trophies = 0/23
Platinum difficulty: 4/10 ( with 4 move) 8/10 (with 1~2)
Time to platinum: 10 hours +
Number of playthroughs needed: 35 mini games

Platinum Image:

Trophy Review

This garbage game consists of 23 easy trophies...
Start the game and just follow the trophies.. they are all straight forward...(just read the trophy discription and do it for each game)
Once you are done you need to get "fever" score in all of the minigames.. which you really need 4 move controllers for...
More tips below

The hardest trophies would be:

All Night Long 
Complete all challenges in Party Fever.

Go to all night long and make a table for every mini game with the score required to beat
Each  mode has mini games...
Try to complete each mode 1by1 by selecting the type of mini game u want...
My advice is to use 4 move controllers since everyones score stacks to the final score which makes its easier..
I had problems with 2 mini games only .. but was able to do them after 1hour of trying...

note: all difficulty and time figures are based on my skills and my opinion after playing the game


  1. greeting for platinum :)

    and what difficulties have the game if there are three moves controller has?

    Greetz Angel

  2. its beter to get 4 for some..
    with 3 you wil have some difficulties with few minigames...

    try to borow 1 move ;p
