Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Hakoom Hits LVL 45 !

Finally i have achieved lvl 45 on PSN
This is the highest PSN lvl you will see to date without any trophy hacking or the use of jailbreak or whatever type of cheating methods you want call...

As of 9/2/2011

I got to lvl 45 with over 220 plats and 11000 trophies.. which makes me the highest PSN user to date with the most Trophies (small difference between rank 2) and most Platinums (huge difference between rank 2) without the use of any sort of hacking tool etc...

If you want me to get more trophies and platinums in a higher/faster rate...
Then please send me some games that i dont have already (different region games EU/US and also japanese games)

i would like to thank everyone who supported me and sent me games... wouldnt of done this without all of you..


  1. congratulations!!! you're a monster! ;-)

  2. can you add me on psn? please!!! i'm your fan!

  3. tell me hakoom what do you use to keep yourself awake and bursting to hunt trophies all the time?
