Sunday, 6 February 2011

Platinum #224

Prince of Persia  the Two Thrones remastered in high definition and 3D.
Comes in a pack along with prince of Persia the sands of time and prince of Persia the Warrior Within.. which makes it 3 games on 1 disc only on the Playstation 3...
This means.. 3 games 3 platinums on 1 disc !!

MY RATING 6.5/10

Published by: Ubisoft

Developed by: Ubisoft Montreal

Genre: Action

Number of Players: 1

Trophy Breakdown:

Platinum (1)
Gold (8)
Silver (8)
Bronze: (1)
PSN Points: 1155

Trophy Overview:

Number of offline trophies = 18/18
Number of online trophies = 0/18
Platinum difficulty: 5/10
Time to platinum: no more than 20 hours
Number of playthroughs needed: 3
You need to play the game on easy normal and hard... difficulties dont stack !

Platinum Image:

Trophy Review:

This game Consists of 18 trophies which arent hard.. but some can be frustrating due to bad game design and programing which will make you pull your hair in some areas ;x
Start the game on HARD and make sure u DONT DIE (sandsnake trophy) and when i say "DONT DIE" it means not even rewinding... Iam not sure if this is a glitch but... as the trophy title indicates.. a death means no dying at ALL... So when you die( or before dying) you quit to xmb (before the retry screen pops)
Forms of dying:
Hit by an enemy at low hp
You fall and hear him scream
You jump of a ledge and cant make it... = death also

So what do you do to avoid this? 
If you think you will die or died and rewinded time... just quit to xmb.. simple as that

Another thing you dont want to miss out is the health trophy... There are 6 and with a proper video guide you should get them 1by1..

Once thats done..Start on medium and clean up what left then on easy...
After all of that you will be farming the 10,000 sand trophy...
Reload your last save (after you complete the game it will ask you to save.. just load that)
keep farming that last level (where u follow yourself in sand creature form)
EASY= 250 sands
HARD= 700

The hardest trophy would be:

Sand Snake 
Complete the game in any difficulty without dying

Refer to the review for all details
But i will say this again....
This is not like POP 2 where you could rewind and still get away with it..
IF you die its over QUIT to XMB... dont even get to the retry menu or else your save is locked and you are fucked.. ;>

In the end i would like to thank Busalman for the game and il3ali for his walkthrough and great support ;>

note: all difficulty and time figures are based on my skills and my opinion after playing the game

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